Friday, August 26, 2011

CTRL+F & Other Science & Tech Links

Good news! Wasting time on the Internet makes you a better worker.

NINETY PERCENT of people don't know about CTRL+F. Now I'm worried. You all do, right? Anyone need a lesson? No judging, promise.

On a similar note: Students have no idea how Google works. Oh, geez.

GameStop: Pretty shady.

Relativity via telegram

Never say that Twitter never accomplished anything, because this story is amazing.

Riverside, Iowa has a sense of humor.

I am in awe of this Rubik's cube cake.

The secret world of hackers is fascinating.

The Jessi Slaughter story is pretty horrifying.

This is one of the reasons why I generally think online reviews can be more trouble than they're worth.

Facebook finally letting people pre-approve photo tags. About time.

1 comment:

  1. I bookmarked this to come back and read all of the links. :)

    But it's a sad thought about the internet that the Jessie Slaughter post made me think of another very similar story: Jeeze, makes me fear to be a parent today.
