Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Hope you have a great day. This is . . . not exactly related . . . but I had something of a revelation last night. The non-angsty version is that I'm always exhausted and frustrated because I expect myself to get way more done than there are hours in the day. So I'm going to . . . try stopping. (Yes, I realize that sounds really obvious.) I'm not going to stop the Oscar project, but I'm going to try to stop pressuring myself about it. (I'm at 31 of 61 movies, by the way.) Try. We'll see. I'm trying to convince myself that it's more important to not be miserable than it is to meet my crazy self-imposed goals.


  1. That sounds like the best Valentine's day gift you could give yourself. :-) Happy Love Day!

  2. This sounds like a great idea. No point in being miserable if you can avoid it! :)

  3. Excellent plan! Follow your dreams, but not so incessantly that they kill you before you catch them!
