Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Morning Coffee (4/5/16)

The 8 most important things to read to understand the Panama Papers document leak

Obviously I clicked on THIS Panama Papers story because it involved classical music: Sergei Roldugin, the cellist who holds the key to tracing Putin’s hidden fortune

Oh Iceland: Reykjavik Man Throws Yogurt at Parliament Building in Protest After Panama Papers

This piece on the new Contras vs. Ortega in Nicaragua is very interesting but also notable for a surprise House Hunters reference.

An important piece on Filipina domestic workers in the U.S.: The Cost of Caring

Milo Yiannopoulos: Breitbart’s star provocateur, Gamergater, and Trump champion, explained

Wow: Kim Philby, British double agent, reveals all in secret video

Some interesting points here: When fan engagement goes wrong. Personally I tend toward the "I never want fans to have a say in anything" camp.

Fascinating and sad and powerful: The Reckoning


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