In case you have been away from all media for the last day, a tape surfaced with Trump talking about routinely sexually assaulting women.
In light of this, the Times published Nick Kristof's column early: Donald Trump, Groper in Chief
And the editorial board is going all in: "And so we have now heard the Republican nominee for president of the United States bragging about repeated sexual assault."
Yes, it's too late to get Trump off the ballot (if normal rules still apply, to anything). Here's Vox's solution.
And here's how the tape came to light.
ALSO YESTERDAY: Russia filed a complaint with the UN about an official saying bad things about Trump. For real.
Speaking of Russia, ALSO YESTERDAY: U.S. government officially accuses Russia of hacking campaign to interfere with elections
ALSO YESTERDAY: Donald Trump Says Central Park Five Are Guilty, Despite DNA Evidence Because he is racist.
MEANWHILE: President Obama just signed a "bill of rights" for survivors of sexual assault
The lesson of Hillary’s secret speeches is she’s exactly who we already knew she was
How Donald Trump Supporters Attack Journalists
Great article.